
I don't create to make,

I create to live.

For Thierry Forbois, life is creative, and to create is impetus to living. As a child is to love, the thing, the "created object", is the outcome of a vibrant call, an obsession, an impulse of the secret life, or of an unbearable overflow of being. A work of art is the exaltation within "realized", i.e. rendered to the real, to the visible, and captured by the hand, by thought, in an original form of wood, clay, metal, stone, glass, paper...

Vascellum, created for The Way of Wine Ritual, in collaboration with Maison Renart.


An Unclassifiable Designer

Rooted in the sacred, Thierry Forbois's resonant creative universe fascinates. The Poetization, resacralization and reenchantment of the everyday constitute the trinity of his aesthetic quest, which finds its reality in the artisanal object and the interior living space, whose functional dimension he works to transcend.

Furniture pieces created in collaboration with the artisan masters of Maison Renart.

Wine space ideation created for CellArt. Image courtesy of CellArt.

Always, I exult in intuition! A wild gleam appears in my eyes, widening as the pleasure of the idea rises. In the midst of an ideation crisis, images cascade haphazardly into my mind, sometimes with a frightening clarity. I try to mold this anarchic eruption, grasping the shadows, drawing arcs and abstract shapes in the air. I feel that eternity is within my reach and that I could create, in an instant, the work of a lifetime. Returning to my senses, all that remains of this lightning strike is the memory of a few scribbles, specters of sketches, and other formless snippets. From these pitiful traces, there is now nothing left to see, and yet I have kept the essential: the certain, absolute feeling of having seen... It is with this faith that the work of creation can begin; I still do not know the way back to that vision, but I know it is within me. So, in front of the blank page, facing the canvas, the clay, or the wood, I think no more and let the hand guide me...

— Thierry Forbois



Product Lines

∙ Creation of objets d’art and ritual objects

∙ Furniture pieces design

∙ Interior spaces ideation

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(website launch from spring 2024)